Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Today was funny. I'm driving to lunch and I pulled up behind a fairly old car with the following bumper sticker: " Drive Closer: I brake fast for tailgaters". The I saw that license plate. It was a disabled veteran plate with a frame around it. The frame had a scroll LED display that had this message scrolling across: "Get off my ass or you'll have to buy me". I'm not sure who was talking in the message- the car or the driver. Two things struck me:

First, this guy really does not want to be followed closely. It made me want to tail him a little closer than I normally would just to mess with him. I don't know what it is but there is something inherent in me that really wants to screw with people. I suppose that's not good...

Secondly I thought that it is interesting that he has a scrolling display on the bottom of his car which he obviously expects people to read and he's concerned that they are going to hit him. Luckily I ran into him at a light but I'm pretty sure if I was behind him while driving I would definitely scoot up enough to read his scrolling display.And while I'm reading the scrolling display it would be much harder for me to notice if traffic were stopped up ahead or even if he hit his brakes. The whole ordeal just seemed to run counter to what he was trying to accomplish.

So, if you've been reading this blog at all you know I'm going to stretch to try to make this apply to something deep so I can feel justified about spending time writing this blog. How often do we take actions that are supposed to lead us in a different direction only to find out that the very actions we took will cause more people to come and stare? It makes me think about some of the fashions and the people wearing them. Everyone starts fashion trends to be original and unique but in the end, the very thing that was meant to isolate and make them stand out is what draws people in closer; the very people for whom the fashion trend was started to get away from.

On another note entirely the Parkway is back open down where I live. The affect of this today on my commute home was a 1/3 reduction in the overall time it takes to get home... that's pretty significant. Granted it normally takes only thirty minutes to get home after work but if I can get home in twenty... SCORE!

Alright, have a great night!

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