Sunday, October 25, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

The big news of this day is that I saw the Alabama/Kentucky guy AGAIN... This is three days in a row. In fact I was behind him and got a picture of the tag (the numbers have been blurred to protect the innocent).

If you click on the picture to enlarge it you should be able to see the license plate frame.

So after three days in a row I started wondering if all of us are really that predictable? We all leave the house at the same time, go to the same job and do mostly the same stuff for 8-10 hours (or more) and then head home. I bet that I would run into this guy on the way home except that I take a different route home. It's really no wonder that we don't take more notice of the people around us. We're so stuck in our routine, engrossed in whatever is on the radio.

I also saw three cars all in a row that had advertising on them: ALFA Insurance, Caroline's on Main, and Kemp's Flooring. I don't know anything about the people driving these cars but I figure it's one of two things: either they are driving a car that is paid for by the company and the driver doesn't necessarily care or the driver is pursuing a dream.

I have great admiration for people who can start their own business. In many cases the routine that I described above does not apply. Predictability is not a part of their vocabulary. I don't think that I have it in me to start a business. I need the routine and stability that comes from working for someone else. But there is something attractive that comes from creating something that's bigger than yourself. I hope for these three drivers as well as all of my friends who have their own businesses that things go well. And for those of you who are like me, support the people who step out on their own.

Let me know what you're routine looks like in the morning, especially if you've got your own business. Do you think you could start something on your own? Would you want to? What's holding you back?

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