Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Today was a rainy day and I was glad to have something to look for while I was driving other than grey skies and rain.

Here we go:

There was a Jaguar with this license plate: ARMSDLR. Don't know what the guy does for a living but I'm not going to break into his house!

I decided to write down all the different states I saw today and of course there was not a whole lot of variety:

  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Oklahoma
  • California
  • Tennessee
  • Utah
I actually talked to the guy with the Utah license plate. He's an auditor and has been at the bank for the past several days and he's got his family with him in the car. I asked him today if he drove them all the way here from Utah and he said he's been relocated to Charlotte but they drove over from there. I think it's great that his family is able to be here with him, that's gotta be fun...

I did drive down the best looking street in Huntsville, at least in the fall. If you get a chance, drive down Franklin St in downtown between Lowe Ave and Williams Ave. I'll try to get a picture in the next couple of days to post. It's great with the leaves changing and the old homes in Old Town. 

Let me know what you think if you get to drive down Franklin St... 

1 comment:

  1. I actually just looked on Google Street View and it looks like the car drove down that street during the fall so you can get a preview.
