Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So, my experiment made for an interesting day today. I was much more attuned to what was going on around me and paid more attention to the people in the cars rather than just the cars themselves.

That's not to say that it wasn't an interesting day for sightings:

  • I saw this first:

 Yes that is a Pumpkin duct taped to a mailbox...

  • I saw a Yellow Mustang with the tag: MOMPONY
  • I saw a car that I see at least once a week that has a "House Divided - Kentucky/Alabama"  license plate frame. It's a blue Toyota Avalon that I always remember because I wasn't aware that Kentucky and Alabama were rivals...
  • There was an accident near the Interstate with a firetruck, ambulance and police cars. I couldn't see what the problem was because I was trying to get through traffic and off the ramp. But, I did say a prayer for whoever was involved... See, I'm paying attention to people!
  • I saw two cars that were in the process of getting parking tickets. I tried to get a picture of the man getting out of his little ticket car but couldn't snap the shot.
  • I passed abortion protesters twice - thankfully there were no kids out there with them to be indoctrinated in ignorance. I could write a whole post on this subject. I don't disagree with the protesters beliefs, just their methods.
  • Finally I saw what could only be described as a used medical equipment tent sale outside of a doctor's office:

The sign says "Make Offer" in very poor handwriting. 

So that's about all I saw today. Like I said it made me aware of my surroundings and made me think much more about what's going on with those who I interact with daily. If you feel up to it post a comment if you've seen anything interesting as you commute...


  1. Thought provoking and entertaining! LOL at the Pumpkim taped to the mailbox and the KY/AL relationship.

    Keep it up! I'm interested to see what becomes of this.

  2. I saw a Toyota with two stars (Major General) on its DOD sticker. His license plate was simply "2."
