Monday, November 9, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Well, today I got the chance to put my money where my mouth is and I blew it. I was driving to work this morning and there was an older guy walking down the Parkway in a closed section of the road. It was not super cold this morning but was probably high 40s with a breeze. Traffic had slowed and there was plenty of room for me to pull off and see if he needed a ride. I kept second guessing myself until it was too late and the opportunity had passed. I watched him cross the road in my rearview mirror and it looked like he was just walking to McDonalds so he wouldn't have needed a ride anyone but that's not the point. I had a chance to practice what I've been preaching and I didn't because I thought too much: what if he doesn't need a ride? what if he's just out for some exercise? what if he's one of the workers on the road? what if he thinks I'm dumb?

In reality, none of these things should have mattered but they did. Why? I mean, worst case scenario the guy would have said "No thanks". I mean I guess he could have pulled a knife or gun on me or something but I highly doubt that in SE Huntsville. I was so worried about my reputation that I missed a chance to help someone out. I guess when push comes to shove we make a value proposition in our heads - which is worth more to me? My self-esteem and reputation or someone in need of help? I want so badly to win that argument and say that it's the latter but all the evidence refutes that claim. I hope I get another chance soon...

On a different note I noticed today how much lighter traffic was. This is due in large part to the flex-time schedules a lot of people in Huntsville are on which allows them to take every other Friday off. It's interesting how something like that can have a noticeable affect on traffic conditions. I wonder what everyone does on their days off? Never having worked flex time I don't know what I'd do with three day weekends every other week.

Finally, for all you entrepreneurs out there I saw a business opportunity: a Hawaiian Shaved Ice stand was for sale and the U Sell It lot. It was green and had a penguin with a lei on it. I think this would be a great business opportunity come summer time... Think about it...

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the fine treasures that you can find at the U Sell It lot! I used to stop there sometimes when I was bored just for the entertainment of seeing what fine clunkers and beat up campers are available! Anyhow, I agree about the shaved ice thing! I mean you park your stand on someone elses prime real estate and pay them nothing compared to what the place is worth (truthfully I bet that some of the are just squaters until they get run off). Then your major opex is ice and sugar water that you sell for $4 a pop (plus an extra buck for that disgusting cream) has to be a cash cow. Snow cones for everyone!!!
