Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Ahh... the start to another week. Mondays are interesting days for me because I travel further Monday mornings because I drive out to Madison for a meeting... this tacks on about 15-20 extra minutes onto my drive depending on traffic and how much I speed. This also usually gives me a good opportunity to see stuff. Today however was a little different. There were only two things worth noting that I saw and neither one really took place on my longer drive.

The first was a beat up old car that had been pulled over by the police, I presume for speeding. Looking at the car you would not know that it was capable of starting, much less speeding. It makes me wonder why it got pulled over and not any of the other 500 cars that probably sped past the police officer. Did it get pulled because of its looks?

I also saw something while trying to find a parking spot at lunch today. There was a goth standing in the parking lot and the guy looked like he was rubbing something on the girl. As I passed I saw that he had a lint roller and was rolling all of the lint off of her black clothing. As I circled for a second time looking for a space I could see that she had turned around and he was de-linting her back. It was a little ironic that this couple that is so "unique" and counter-cultural was spending so much time with the lint brush. But, when it comes down to it, they just want acceptance, same as the rest of us. She had the same insecurities everyone else has that her clothes were not going to be just right and because of that, she was going to be judged. He was willing to stand in the parking lot and make himself look slightly ridiculous to ensure that she felt comfortable. It was actually kind of sweet. It was nice moment for me to look at both of them as people and not He-Goth and She-Goth.

Have a great day!

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