Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009

This morning was fairly chilly and as I was driving to work I passed a Huntsville Utilities meter reader walking around some of the condos near my house. The first thing I thought was that I would like that job... a lot of walking around and seeing people's houses and yards. Of course, I would only like it on my terms: cold, not hot; no rain. I think we all romanticize other people's lives and think "man I wish I was like them." But, in actuality we wouldn't like their problems any more than we like our own.

I also saw some advertisements for a Christmas Superstore with "trees so real they'd even fool Santa" or something like that. It occurred to me that this sign has been up for several weeks and I haven't really thought anything about it. I would say that it's been there since at least mid-October which is now evidently the start of the Christmas season... who knew?

I passed a bank and tried to take a picture of the signs over the drive-through exit. They said in big letters "NO ENTRANCE" and then underneath in a much smaller font and all lower case letters "please". The signs on the inside say "WAIT HERE" then "please". It seems like the please is an afterthought thrown on the sign. The ironic part is that if the signs had just said "NO ENTRANCE" or "WAIT HERE" I wouldn't have seen them as rude... they were just stating the rules. But once you tack that tiny "please" at the bottom, suddenly I'm aware that the sign was being a little rude and demanding and frankly I'm a little annoyed that it just chucked a "please" out there as an afterthought! It's just the bank trying to be all hip with the lowercase fonts and stuff but I totally don't think it works.

Finally, I saw a Great Dane in a coat. Just let that sink in.... a Great Dane.... in a coat. A 150 lb fur covered animal in a coat. It was fantastic! And I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure that the person walking said Great Dane just had on a long-sleeve shirt with no coat... Oh yeah, by then it was 50 degrees outside.

Anyway, I'm sure they had a good reason for the coat, maybe the dog is naturally cold natured or has poor circulation due to its massive size. I suppose seeing an owner being too caring for their animals is better than the alternative so I shouldn't mock. But it was pretty funny looking.

Thanks for reading... Have fun!

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